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Meet the Team - Matt

Matt is the Business Development Manager here at Incentivesmart. He spends his time identifying new prospects, discussing their challenges and pain points and exploring ways Incentivesmart can help resolve them.

With two young children, Matt is certainly kept busy at the weekends... And if he's not spending time with his family, you'll find him coaching tennis, going for runs and very occasionally in the casino!

Let's get to know Matt a bit more...

Hi Matt! Let's start with a bit about your work background and experience.

I have a degree in golf, so tried my hand at playing professionally. I then spent many years working in the health and fitness industry before joining Incentivesmart in 2018. As the Business Development Manager, I identify new prospects, discuss their challenges and pain points and explore ways Incentivesmart can help. 

What's your favourite thing about Incentivesmart?

The people and working environment. It's amazing to work with positive, forward-thinking people! I also love helping businesses drive engagement and loyalty to their brand. 

Tell us a bit about life at home.

Outside of work I love spending time with my family, I have 2 young children, so it certainly keeps my weekends busy and also very entertaining!

Let's do some quick-fire questions... Favourite biscuit?

 I do like a Penguin!

Go-to karaoke song?

I'm not the best singer and have never been described as having the voice of an angel, but am a big Craig David fan, so maybe "7 days".

Ideal Friday night?

Enjoying a curry, maybe watch Friday night football if there is a game on. I am also partial to a trip to the casino.

Cat or dog?


Favourite emoji?


Tea or coffee?


Favourite quote?

"Don’t take life too seriously, you’ll never get out alive"

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