Today is Rare Chromosome Disorder Awareness Day. Our very own Matt Tracey’s daughter Sofia has some unique challenges as a result of this little understood disorder, as he explains:
“Today is a day to celebrate, educate and raise awareness about Rare Chromosome Disorders. Sofia was diagnosed in March 2018 with a chromosomal micro deletion, found as a result of a genetic micro array test. Genetic disorders are broadly not recognised or understood, especially as the effects are so unique. Those who have met Sofia will be aware she is the happiest, most sociable and kind hearted little girl who will bring a smile to everyone face! Sofia is healthy and does not need to go into hospital for medication or acute care, this is of course amazing, but what Sofia does require is the day to day additional support (or social care) which is vital to give her the best possible future!”
If you have a spare 5 minutes today, please click here to learn more about the disorder, and more about this fantastic charity that has given valuable support to Matt and his family.